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  1. Hi Natalie

    Gosh, how I love your blog!! It literally is one of the best things to read, so thank you for doing it!

    I know you went to India a while back and I wanted to see how you honestly felt about Soul and Surf?

    And on another track, did you find Reunion Island to be insanely expensive?

    After reading your blog, these are my go-to dreams right now! 🙂


    1. Hi Robyn. Thanks so much for your kind comment! Honestly, Soul and Surf is AMAZING! The hotel is so beautiful and the people there are just awesome. It’s also in a really great part of Kerala. I highly recommend it! Reunion isn’t as expensive as people seem to think. Especially if you consider that it’s cheap to get there – tickets can cost as little as R4500 return. Self catering accommodation is very affordable and if you cater at home it’s easy to do.

  2. Hallo Natalie,
    Het vandag vd eerste keer jou oulike program ‘Ruil my Styl” gesien. Ek blaai dikwels rond op Spree maar is altyd onseker oor wat my sal pas!
    Wat ek graag wil vra/voorstel, is dat jy sê watter ontwerper/brand se klere betrokke is. Ook die skoene. Het nou orals op Spree gesoek na die bruin jumpsuit wat jy vir Liomee aangetrek het – en die swarte met die kraag- maar kan dit nie opspoor nie!?
    Was regtig lekker om na jou program te kyk! Geniet dit!

    1. Hello Mari. Omdat die show vooruit geskied word, is van die items nie meer beskikbaar teen die tyd wat die episode uitsaai nie. Maar daar sal binnekort details op my blog wees van die items wat op die show feature.

  3. Natalie ek is mal oor jou blog! Jy gee my weer moed as dit by fashion kom! Hoe kan mens in skryf vir die ruil my styl program want ek dringend hulp nodig met my styl. NIce daggie vir jou xxx

  4. Hi Natalie,

    Ek wil net graag hoor waar het jy die rok gekoop wat jy op Ruim my Styl aan gehad het op Series 2 Eps 9 (lang swart rok, lang moue en oop op die rug). Ek het op Spree gaan kyk, maar sien niks.
    Baie dankie!

  5. Hi Natalie. Ek wil graag uitvind hoe ek kan inskryf vir jou volgende reeks ‘Ruil my Styl’ asb?

  6. Hi Natalie,
    We’re trying to reach you but your email is bouncing. Please pop me a mail on cathy@branditforward.co.za.

  7. […] her 5th trip to the island and travelling with her is like travelling with a local. Get in touch here if you’d like to find out more about the trip she’s […]

  8. Hi Natalie, is the Reunion Island Getaway available for 2019? Can’t go this year, but would LOVE to go next year!

    1. We don’t have anything planned for 2019 yet, but I’ll be sure to keep you in the loop!

  9. Hello Natalie,

    First of all, let me say, ‘Well Done’. This platform you have is an incredible one. Some might say it is your responsibility to share your experiences, good and bad. I am of course referring to your article: 10 Things I Do To Manage My Depression. Not only have you portrayed yourself as authentic and relatable, you have also given others tips that could quite literally change their lives. I am the Marketing Coordinator of NetFlorist and behalf of NetFlorist, I would like to celebrate you. Correction, we would like to celebrate you.

    Please feel free to contact me via my email address.


  10. Hi Natalie ? I’ve been trying to enter your #TOAMSummer2019 comp since the day you posted it as this new single mom totally craves everything in the comp but my comments are all still under moderation for some reason just worried none of them post and i dont get entered. ?? Not sure if im doing something wrong?

    1. Don’t worry all posts on the comp will be approved 🙂

  11. Hi Natalie,

    Is Junie goeie tyd in terme van die weer om Reunion toe te gaan. Ons moet ons vakanie wat geskeduleer was vir einde April na Reunion skuif weens Covid 19 en lock down tans.

    Anjanette Jones

  12. Would love to have digital prints done.

    Can you please share costings with me.